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China criticizes U.S. democracy while promoting Xi’s growing power

Books by and about Chinese President Xi Jinping fill a display at the Museum of the Communist Party of China in Beijing on November 11, 2021.

Noel Celis | AFP | Getty Images

BEIJING — A top Chinese official issued a rare criticism of the U.S. and Western democracy during a high-profile political press conference Friday.

The night before, Chinese President Xi Jinping joined the ranks of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping and became the country’s third leader to oversee the adoption of a “historical resolution” at the close of a widely-watched meeting of the Chinese Communist Party, the sixth plenum of the party’s Central Committee.

Mao led China for decades after the founding of the Chinese Communist Party a century ago. Deng spearheaded sweeping economic reforms four decades ago that reduced the state’s role in the economy and allowed foreign businesses into China.

Chinese officials at Friday’s press conference emphasized how the country would now follow Xi and his vision for a strong CCP-dominated system.

And for more than five minutes, Jiang Jinqua, director of the policy research office of the party’s central committee, criticized the U.S. and Western countries for trying to impose their idea of democracy on China.

The electoral democracy of Western countries are actually democracy ruled by the capital, and they are a game of the rich, not real democracy.

Jiang Jinqua

director, policy research office of the CCP’s central committee

“Democracy is not an exclusive patent of Western countries and even less should it be defined or dictated by Western countries,” Jiang said in Mandarin, according to an official translation.

“The electoral democracy of Western countries are actually democracy ruled by the capital, and they are a game of the rich, not real democracy,” he said.

While China’s foreign diplomats and propaganda arms have made similar criticisms in the past, Jiang’s remarks stood out due to the high-profile political context of the press event, and their specific mention of the U.S.

The U.S. plan to hold a “Summit for Democracy” in December is “an attempt to revitalize Western democracy,” Jiang said. “To convene such a summit against [a] backdrop of loads of problems in Western democracy, … the intention is nothing but bashing other countries and dividing the world.”

He also pointed to public opinion polls showing widespread worries in the U.S. about American democracy, compared with overwhelming Chinese confidence in their own government.

A Pew Research study released Nov. 1 found that 72% of Americans say U.S. democracy used to be a good example for others to follow, but has not been recently. A study led by York University professor Cary Wu found local satisfaction with how the Chinese government handled the coronavirus pandemic.

“The Chinese constantly attack democracies as being not truly representative of the people but rather a cover for elites to keep control,” said Scott Kennedy is senior advisor and Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and…

Read More: China criticizes U.S. democracy while promoting Xi’s growing power