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Discord Shelves Plans For ETH Integration After Users Criticize

Earlier this week, we told you about how popular social network for gamers, Discord, was planning an upcoming Ethereum integration. Well, it looks like they’ve now backtracked on the decision, giving in to users’ who were up in arms against such a development.

On Thursday, Discord’s CEO Jason Citron shared a tweet, updating, “Thanks for all the perspectives everyone. We have no current plans to ship this internal concept. For now we’re focused on protecting users from spam, scams and fraud. Web3 has lots of good but also lots of problems we need to work through at our scale. More soon.”

The likelihood of an upcoming integration with Ethereum came through after Citron previously shared a screenshot revealing an option for users to connect MetaMask and WalletConnect to their Discord accounts. The tweet came shortly after the company closed a survey asking for users’ opinions on NFTs.

Several premium users of Discord’s service Nitro criticized the possible integration with crypto and entry into NFTs, with many users unsubscribing from the service after Citron’s tweet. Users were most concerned about crypto and NFT technology that supports an ecosystem of scams and is harmful for the environment owing to the high level of energy consumption in processing transactions on the Ethereum blockchain.

It looks like the possibility of losing revenue has scared Discord from rolling out the Ethereum integration for now. However, Citron’s update hints at the door being closed only temporarily and Web3 still being considered for the future.

Read More: Discord Shelves Plans For ETH Integration After Users Criticize