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UK Covid cases rocketed but are now coming down sharply

A doctor monitors a Covid-19 patient in the Covid-19 intensive care unit of the community hospital in Germany on April 28, 2021.


LONDON — The U.K. has had the unenviable title of having one of the worst Covid-19 rates in the world, with cases soaring in recent months.

But its fortunes appear to be changing.

Less than a month ago, the U.K. was recording between 40,000 to 50,000 new cases every day, prompting dire warnings from experts and officials over mounting pressure on hospitals and excess deaths.

On Oct. 20, the U.K.’s Health Minister Sajid Javid warned that Covid cases could yet climb as high as 100,000 per day as the winter progressed and doctors said that the National Health Service was heading for a crisis, with staff exhausted and overstretched.

Making matters potentially far worse, public health experts warned that they were monitoring a mutation of the already-highly-infectious delta variant that could make Covid even more virulent.

But the latest data from the U.K. shows that the country could be recovering from its latest wave of cases, with experts saying Britain has just seen its biggest weekly drop in the number of new Covid cases in 2021.

Biggest weekly drop this year

This represents a decrease of 18% from 88,592 new daily cases last week, the study said, adding that there was a sharp decline in cases among most age groups.

“The number of daily new cases continues to show a steep decline in cases among 0-18 year olds, which is the driving group behind both the initial increases and the recent fall in overall case numbers. Cases in 20-29 year olds are still increasing but cases have started to fall in the 35-55 year age group. Cases among those over 55 are levelling off.”

The ZOE COVID Study’s lead scientist, Professor Tim Spector, said the data was positive but needed to be kept in perspective. He also urged eligible members of the public to take up the offer of booster shots which experts believe are also helping the U.K.’s case rates to fall.

“This drop in cases is the largest weekly decline we’ve seen all year, and is being driven by a sustained fall in cases among children over the last two weeks. However, cases are still high and, worryingly, we’re still seeing high death rates as Covid takes up to 8% of hospital beds,” he said on Thursday.

Spector said that, as we head into the colder months,…

Read More: UK Covid cases rocketed but are now coming down sharply