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Trump leads Biden in a possible 2024 presidential matchup

© Copyright 2021, Des Moines Register and Tribune Co.

In a hypothetical 2024 rematch, former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden in Iowa by 11 percentage points, a new Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll shows. 

In 2020, Trump defeated Biden by about 8 percentage points, carrying the state 53% to 45%.

In the new survey, 51% of likely Iowa voters in the 2024 election would vote for Trump, a Republican, while 40% say they would vote for Biden, a Democrat. Another 4% say they would not vote for either candidate, and 5% are not sure.

The poll comes as Biden’s approval rating among Iowans sits near its lowest ebb since he took office in January. Meanwhile, Iowans view Trump more favorably than they did while he was in office, according to a September Iowa Poll. 

Trump’s 2024 lead among likely Iowa voters appears to be driven by support among independents.

Biden wins support among 95% of Democrats — slightly better than the 91% Trump earns among Republicans. But independents favor Trump by 8 percentage points, 45% to 37%.

“Trump won Iowa convincingly in 2020, and that’s reflected in these data,” said pollster J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co.

Read More: Trump leads Biden in a possible 2024 presidential matchup