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Is AI the Answer to Determine the Price of NFTs? TrustNFT Says Yes By

Is AI the Answer to Determine the Price of NFTs? TrustNFT Says Yes

NFT – three letters that have been spinning the world of crypto, art, and finance. Only in the first half of 2021 NFT sales volume surges to $2.5 billion. From cartoons of ape or Twitter (NYSE:) tweet, to the digitized art masterpieces, NFTs undoubtedly became not only part of the internet culture but also has the potential to become a financial instrument.

With skyrocketing NFT prices, the question arises of how to determine the price and value of the asset to ensure the maximum benefit to the investor? The NFT market, which is still developing, faces significant challenges in providing liquidity, monetizing assets, and, most importantly, evaluating the NFT.

First to implement AI

NFT related financial services are emerging in the market, like offering NFT collateralized loans; however, there is no reliable way to evaluate NFTs. Accurate evaluation is crucial to all solutions of using NFTs as collateral.

TrustNFT, a decentralized NFT loan, and marketplace aim to create a community where NFTs could be used safely as loan collateral. The platform is the first one in the market to implement a reliable way to evaluate NFT by using breakthrough AI technology and Big Data.

“There are companies in the market working with finance and NFT, but no company does that with the help of AI. There are some AI solutions to trades in crypto just to guess the future prices of crypto assets, but not especially NFTs. NFTs price depends on rarity and current status in the market and of course many other factors,”
said Mantas Mackevicius, CTO at TrustNFT.

NFTs Evaluation Machine platform, created by the company, uses data sources not only from blockchain but also is constantly learning to define trends in the NFT market and the crypto market in general.

The founders of TrustNFT believe that empowering everyone to use NFTs as collateral and get loans will bring many benefits to the NFT collectors and investors. It will promote instant liquidity and accurate pricing for the NFTs, portfolio variety, and new market possibilities with other DeFi applications.

The role of community

Traditionally, the community’s role in NFT loan marketplaces is to evaluate NFTs by voting. The TrustNFT platform, empowered by AI technology, aims to automate this process. However, the community is not to be left entirely aside.

CTO at TrustNFT agrees that AI is a complex technology that needs a lot of data to learn and function, so the critical role of the community in providing necessary data remains.

Community voting will function as a decentralized autonomous organization called DAO. The community will have the ability to vote on particular NFTs, and it can be included in data sources that the AI.

“The community will have a vote, and that is because we want to build the system together with all stakeholders involved. The community will be engaged in deciding on the need for the specific…

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