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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Boasts About Being Unvaccinated Against

Conspiracy theory-endorsing Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) boasted about being unvaccinated against COVID-19 and bombastically declared: “I refuse to wear a mask.”

Greene, appearing on conservative news outlet Newsmax on Monday, lashed out at the $60,500 she’s been fined for ignoring House mask rules and vowed to continue her defiance. (Greene, who has likened House mask mandates to the Holocaust, has been pictured wearing masks on multipleoccasions, with slogans featuring political messages).

Greene told host Chris Salcedo she hasn’t been vaccinated and would “be standing strong, standing up for the people across this country that refuse to get vaccinated.”

“You know, I support anyone that chooses to get a vaccine,” she added. “I’ll even drive him to go get one if they want to get one, but I am also against these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.”

Greene first revealed her unvaccinated status on Steve Bannon’s podcast earlier this month. Bannon, the former Trump White House strategist, was arrested this week for stonewalling the congressional investigation into the U.S. Capitol riot.

“You want to know something, Steve? I’m not vaccinated,” Greene said at the time. “I’m not vaccinated, and I’m not getting the vaccine because I’m an American. I can choose what I want to do with my body. I have the freedom to decide if I want to get a vaccine or not get a vaccine. I do not care who tells me to get one.”

“They’re ruining our country, these vaccine Nazis,” she added. “I’m sorry. I know I’m using the word Nazi and everybody gets mad when I say it, but that’s exactly what they are.”

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.


Read More: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Boasts About Being Unvaccinated Against