Daily Trade News

Blockchain Company AMAXG Group Introduces an NFT Metaverse Platform

AMAXG group (AMAXG Korea, AMAXG AUS, AMAXG USA, AMAXG Lab, AniSTAR and K2SOFT) is the only global IT company with revolutionized technology for creating extensive data and AI-based services in a blockchain network. It recently established an NFT marketplace, BIZA-UVIT, and integrated with the main companies, including the Korean Blockchain Enterprise Promotion Association, Federation of Artistic and Cultural Organizations of Korea (FACO), and the Global Medical Aesthetic Exchange Association (GMAEA).

The CEO of the AMAXG group, Choi Jeong Moo, has years of innovation experience in the effective application of blockchain and profit-oriented virtual assets. His developments on a Metaverse with big data and AI-linked options, with blockchain integration, have all been acclaimed and rewarded. This strategy gave rise to the BizAuto platform with three branches. One of them is BIZA Uvit, an NFT marketplace in the metaverse where users can collect, buy, sell and trade digital assets to combine online assets and the actual economy. The other two are BIZA-Metaversity and BIZA CarnegieMall. BIZA CarnegieMall is the world’s first decentralized person-to-person online shopping mall, while BIZA Metaversity is an all-in-one educational service-powered AI solution to connect educational institutes worldwide. Future innovations will introduce BIZA Motors (a car-trading protocol), BIZA Checkup (a medical appointment platform), and BIZA KIOSK (a delivery service protocol). 

The BIZA token will be the service utility token in the BizAuto platform. BIZA Wallet is the featured blockchain-based wallet that highlights its own decentralized self-identification specialty, BIZADID. With AMAXG’s advanced platform and futuristic approach, its native token, BIZA, will definitely be bullish, due to its broad utility and demand.

Read More: Blockchain Company AMAXG Group Introduces an NFT Metaverse Platform