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Donald Trump Wallops Joe Biden, Kamala Harris in New 2024 Polls

Former President Donald Trump took a large lead over President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential race, according to a new poll.

In a new poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, 44 percent of respondents said they’d vote for Trump, if he is a candidate in the 2024 presidential election, while 39 percent said they’d vote for Biden. According to the poll, 7 percent said they’d vote for a third-party candidate and 7 percent said they didn’t know who they’d vote for.

The poll also asked respondents who they’d vote for in the 2024 presidential election if the candidates included Trump and Harris. According to the poll, 45 percent of respondents said they’d vote for Trump while 36 percent sided with Harris. Eight percent said they’d vote for a third-party candidate, according to the poll.

The poll’s findings come as Biden has received low approval ratings for his handling of the presidency. In a Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday, 36 percent of Americans said they approve of his handling of the presidency while 53 percent said they disapprove. The 53 percent who said they disapprove of Biden’s presidency was the lowest number recorded in a Quinnipiac poll throughout his presidency.

The Quinnipiac poll also found 50 percent of Americans said they disapprove of Biden’s handling of COVID-19 while 45 percent said they approved.

While the most recent poll from Redfield & Wilton Strategies found Trump leading both Biden and Harris, previous polls conducted by the firm found slightly different results.

In a poll released on November 4, Trump and Biden were both tied with 42 percent when respondents were asked who they’d vote for if both were candidates in the 2024 presidential election.

Another poll by Redfield & Wilton Strategies released on October 21, found Biden with a slight edge over Trump. According to the poll, 42 percent said they’d vote for Biden while 40 percent sided with Trump if both were candidates in the 2024 election.

While Biden has previously said that he plans to run for reelection in 2024, Harris recently said that the two have “absolutely not,” discussed plans to run as a pair in the next election cycle.

On the other side of the aisle, Trump has continued to hint at another run for the presidency in 2024 but has yet to officially announce it. Trump has continued to say that he is looking at the possibility of running in 2024. In April, he told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that he was “100 percent” thinking of running for office again.

“And the polls show that everybody wants me to do it. One hundred percent I’m thinking about running, and we will, I think, be very successful,” Trump said in April.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
Former President Donald Trump has taken a lead over President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in a hypothetical 2024 presidential race, according to a new poll. Above, Biden and Harris arrive to deliver remarks at the Alexis Dupont High School on August 12, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware.

Read More: Donald Trump Wallops Joe Biden, Kamala Harris in New 2024 Polls