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Multibagger stock turns ₹20,000 to ₹1 crore in 20 years

Multibagger stock: Investing in a share means investing in its business. As a businessman doesn’t change one’s business quite often, stock market investors are also advised to remain invested in a stock as long as they can. According to market observers, a stock market investor chooses a quality stock after going through the business model and expected profitability of that business in future. An investor needs to remain invested in a stock as long as these reasons for investing in that stock exist. After all, patience is one of the most important virtues of stock market investment.

Bharat Rasayan shares are glaring example of how patience pays to a stock market investor in long-term. The chemical stock short up from 20 to around 9895 per share levels in last 20 years, logging around 500 times rise in this period.

Bharat Rasayan share price history

As per Bharat Rasayan share price history, the chemical stock has been under sell off pressure in last 6 months. In last 6 month, this chemical stock has dipped from around 12682 to near 9985 per share levels, logging around 20 per cent slide in this period. In last one year, the multibagger stock surged from around 8,710 to 9985 levels, yielding near about 15 per cent return for its shareholders. In last 5 years, Bharat Rasayan share price has shot up from around 1910 to 9985, rising to the tune of near 425 per cent in this period. Similarly, in last 10 years, Bharat Rasayan share price has risen from near 110 per share levels to 9985, yielding return to the tune of 8975 per cent to its shareholders in this period.

Likewise, in last 20 years, this multibagger stock price has risen from 20 to 9985 per share levels, rising to the tune of near 500 times in this period.

Impact on investment

Taking cue from Bharat Rasayan share price history, if an investor had invested 20,000 in Bharat Rasayan shares 6 months ago, its 20,000 would have turned to 16,000 today. If an investor had invested 20,000 in this multibagger stock one year ago, then its 20,000 would have become 23,000 today. Similarly, if the investor had invested 20,000 in this chemical stock 5 years ago and had remained invested in the counter throughout this period, its 20,000 would have turned to 1.05 lakh today. Likewise, if an investor had invested in this stock 10 years ago, investing 20,000 buying one share at 110 apiece levels, its 20,000 would have turned to 18.15 lakh today.

However, if an investor had invested 20,000 in Bharat Rasayan shares 20 years ago, buying one share at 20 apiece levels, its 20,000 would have turned to 1 crore today, provided the investor had remained invested in the counter till date without interruption.

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