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Backed by Edge & Node, the Graph Is Building Indexing Infrastructure

Backed by Edge & Node, the Graph Is Building Indexing Infrastructure for Web 3.0

As the end of Web 2.0 draws closer, plans are in the works to build the next version of the internet, which as you may know by now, is Web 3.0. While this will herald the transition from a centralized web internet to a decentralized alternative, it requires a great deal of combined effort from developers, down to the end-users.

The Graph protocol is one of the earliest contributors to the Web 3.0 development course that stands out among many others. The decentralized protocol promises to provide Web 3.0 with a “Google-like infrastructure,” albeit exclusively for indexing purposes.

In this article, DailyCoin explores the Graph Protocol in an exclusive interview with Pranav Maheshwari, a solution engineer at Edge & Node, one of the three core developer networks who are tasked with building the decentralized protocol (others include Streaming Fast and Figment).

To begin with, the Graph protocol according to Pranav is helping every decentralized application (dApp) across the globe to function efficiently by facilitating the process by which they index their data.

In other words, by creating an infrastructure that is similar to Google (NASDAQ:), the Graph Protocol wants to help dApps get indexed on the blockchain network in a decentralized fashion.

“You can say what Google does to the Web 2 world, which is a centralized world, as the Graph does to the Web 3 world,”
Pranav said.

How does Google compare to the Graph protocol? According to Pranav, Google, a centralized company, indexes hosted application’s data in a single cloud storage facility. Unfortunately, owing to the nature of decentralized applications, which are based on blockchain, indexing data for every dApp becomes virtually impossible.

“When we come from the Web 2 world to the Web 3 world, where essentially everything is decentralized, you need to index everything. You need to get everything inside the blockchain in a decentralized fashion, same as getting everything outside the blockchain.

However, achieving this is only possible when you make use of a decentralized Web 3 stack, which is exactly what the Graph protocol is all about,”
Pranav explained.

Pranav further explained that in order to extract data from different storage blocks on a blockchain system, an end-user will either have to “transverse everything” or make use of the Graph protocol to do the extraction.

Technically, the Graph protocol listens to several blockchains, stores the exact data that is required, and then forwards it in a decentralized version via its proprietary GraphQL, which is then accessible as an OpenAPI that can be served to various dApps.

Essentially, this means that the Graph Protocol will help build the infrastructure that enables other projects to develop on top of it. For instance, other initiatives such as NFT solutions, marketplaces, and decentralized exchanges (DEX) that are now widely…

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