Daily Trade News

Bloktopia co-founder aspires to build a metaverse with ‘hundreds of

Bloktopia is a virtual skyscraper in the Metaverse comprised of 21 levels, designed to pay homage to the 21 million total maximum supply of (BTC). Owners of its BLOK tokens will be known as Bloktopians. Users will be able to buy and sell nonfungible tokens (NFTs), purchase digital ad venues, own real estate and more in the Bloktopia virtual reality. Meanwhile, Bloktopians can also earn revenue by selling or leasing virtual property in the skyscraper to interested buyers.

Bloktopia in-game footage. Source: Bloktopia

The project, set to launch sometime in 2022, is built on the Polygon network, an layer-two scaling and infrastructure development network. In addition, Elrond, a blockchain sharding protocol, is to become the anchor tenant in Bloktopia, with its virtual headquarters to be featured on level one, where all players spawn. During an exclusive ask-me-anything (AMA) session with Cointelegraph Markets Pro users on Discord, Bloktopia co-founder and chief marketing officer Paddy Carroll discussed the key aspects of its virtual ecosystem: