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Do Americans deserve the right to recall a president?


During former President TrumpDonald TrumpPennsylvania’s GOP-controlled Senate to spend up to 0K on election investigation Trump congratulates Rittenhouse on acquittal The Memo: Rittenhouse verdict reverberates across polarized nation MORE’s administration, hundreds of thousands of Americans looked for a way to impeach or recall him to get him out of office. Change.org attempted to give them a platform to channel their angst and anger. Through various petitions, the group collected more than 6 million signatures from people wanting to hold Trump “accountable,” impeach him, or recall his election.  

“We, the undersigned, have no confidence in Donald Trump’s ability to lead our country,” read one petition. “He is unfit for office, he is a national embarrassment … he is hopelessly compromised, blatantly unethical, and demonstrably ignorant. The best and most expedient method to replace him with a fit POTUS is a national recall election, and the sooner the better before he and his administration can do more harm.”

There you have it: Grassroots democracy in action. 

One might safely assume that those who signed this petition would be hesitant to apply even one of those charges to President BidenJoe BidenPennsylvania’s GOP-controlled Senate to spend up to 0K on election investigation Biden’s pick for Arizona’s US Attorney confirmed by Senate Overnight Health Care — Presented by Emergent Biosolutions — Boosters for all MORE or his family, but it is also safe to assume that millions of other Americans would be thrilled to do just that.  

All of this begs the question: In our age of polarized politics, in which no one wants to give an inch on any subject, is there an option for one side or the other to actually recall a U.S. president? The answer is “No.”

And that leads to another question: Do the American people deserve the right to recall a president?

Once again, in our hate-filled political times, that seems like an option that millions of Americans on both sides of the “We are always right — you are always wrong” divide would support wholeheartedly.

Most everything is now sadly viewed through partisan, self-serving lenses. But what if voters did elect a U.S. president who even a great many people from the opposing side agreed was truly incompetent, corrupt, personally flawed or obviously uninterested in the welfare of the American people?

And what if that embarrassment of a president’s negative attributes and liabilities still did not enable the 25th Amendment to be invoked? Section IV of that amendment — which was quoted ad nauseam by liberals as a vehicle to remove Trump from the White House — reads:

“Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is…

Read More: Do Americans deserve the right to recall a president?