Daily Trade News

Muncie area has 2 farmers markets for fresh produce options

Editor’s Note: The following is part of a class project initiated in the classroom of Ball State University professor Adam Kuban, who challenged his students to find sustainability efforts in the Muncie area. Several such stories will be featured in November.

MUNCIE, Ind. — Shoppers in Muncie have many options where they purchase and obtain their produce.

Both farmers markets, where produce is locally and freshly grown, and big box stores, where the goods are mass produced but more convenient to buy, are choices for shoppers.

A collection of produce at the Downtown Farm Stand include signs that show customers which items are local and organic.

Farmers markets can provide more nutritional benefits than big box stores.

According to farmers such as Susan Ess, when shopping for produce, it’s important to know how fresh the product is. Different places where a shopper buys their produce has different life spans. For example, a strawberry bought at a box store such as Walmart can have a different level of freshness than if a strawberry were to be bought at a local farmers market.

Read More: Muncie area has 2 farmers markets for fresh produce options