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Health fears for ‘confused’ President Biden, 79, after anaesthetic

Health fears for ‘confused’ President Biden, 79, after having anaesthetic for a check-up and a colonoscopy

  • Nicknamed ‘Sleepy Joe’, President Biden spent Friday mostly under anaesthetic 
  • Presidential powers were passed to Kamala Harris for about 90 minutes
  • Critics are now openly saying he has dementia and possibly Alzheimer’s

Fears were growing last night for the health of US President Joe Biden, who turned 79 yesterday.

One source who previously worked in the White House said: ‘Everyone knew President Reagan was losing it by the time he came to the end of his term.

‘Reagan left office when he was 77. Biden is 79 and only in the first year.’

The man nicknamed ‘Sleepy Joe’ by Donald Trump spent much of Friday under anaesthetic for a medical check-up and a colonoscopy, pictured presenting the 74th National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation at the White House this week

The man nicknamed ‘Sleepy Joe’ by Donald Trump spent much of Friday under anaesthetic for a medical check-up and a colonoscopy, pictured presenting the 74th National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation at the White House this week

Increasingly looking weak and doddery, he is given to moments of confusion and prone to gaffes.

Even his White House PR team can no longer cover up for his mishaps, such as nodding off during the COP26 conference, where he also broke wind in front of the Duchess of Cornwall.

Political calamities such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan continue to haunt him.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich summed up such fears when he said: ‘It’s sad and a little frightening that the commander-in-chief, the guy in charge of nuclear weapons and who represents America, looks this confused, weak, feeble and uncertain.’

A poll last week showed Biden’s approval ratings have plummeted to 36 per cent, his lowest ever, with 53 per cent believing he’s not up to the job.

At a recent event, bystanders watched as he was introduced to colleagues of ten or 20 years standing without seeming to know who they were.

Critics who once whispered about his mental deterioration are now openly saying he has dementia, possibly Alzheimer’s.

Even his White House PR team can no longer cover up for his mishaps, such as nodding off during the COP26 conference, pictured addressing a press conference in Glasgow, where he also broke wind in front of the Duchess of Cornwall

Even his White House PR team can no longer cover up for his mishaps, such as nodding off during the COP26 conference, pictured addressing a press conference in Glasgow, where he also broke wind in front of the Duchess of Cornwall

They point to the fact he needs ‘cue cards’ to prompt him when meeting world leaders or facing the press.

In September, Biden forgot the name of the Australian Prime Minister, calling him ‘that fellow Down Under’.

Previously, he appeared to struggle to remember his Defence Secretary’s name, calling him ‘the guy who runs that outfit over there.’

One source who previously worked in the White House said: ‘Everyone knew President Reagan was losing it by the time he came to the end of his term.

‘Reagan left office when he was…

Read More: Health fears for ‘confused’ President Biden, 79, after anaesthetic