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3 Reasons Walker & Dunlop’s Growth Is for Real

One stock that continues to impress me is Walker & Dunlop (NYSE:WD). The real estate lender posted a stellar third quarter and is en route to another solid year of growth.

Since going public in 2010, its stock has been on a tear, delivering a total return of 1,500% compared to the S&P 500 return of 367%. Walker & Dunlop has rocketed higher for a good reason, and it’s not stopping anytime soon. Here are three reasons why Walker & Dunlop’s growth is for real.

1. Willy Walker’s leadership

While Walker & Dunlop has been around since the 1930s, it’s only recently that the company has taken off. Leading the way is CEO Willy Walker, who is the grandson of one of the original co-founders. Walker took the company public in 2010 and has done a stellar job of leading it.  

In 2015, the company set some pretty ambitious goals to become a top multifamily real estate lender by 2020. It established ambitious goals, accomplishing most of them.

One goal was to make $1 billion in revenue, double the amount of the company’s revenue in 2015. It achieved this when it broke $1.1 billion in revenue last year. Another goal was to double its servicing portfolio from $50 billion to $100 billion. Last year it had $107 billion in this portfolio.  

Walker isn’t done yet. The company has set more ambitious goals for 2025. Among them are to grow origination volume to $60 billion and grow its servicing portfolio to $160 billion. The company also has plans to expand its investment banking capabilities and accumulate $10 billion in assets under management (AUM). With Willy Walker leading the charge, investors can be optimistic that the company will be laser-focused on accomplishing these goals.

A man walks between apartment buildings with his children.

Image source: Getty Images.

2. It’s a top lender of government-backed loans

According to Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), Walker & Dunlop was the top multifamily lender in the United States last year, coming out ahead of CBRE Group and Jones Lange LaSalle.  

Walker & Dunlop is a top lender through government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Through these agencies, hundreds of billions of dollars in financing is extended to build out multifamily housing.

Walker & Dunlop benefits from its position as a leading lender and has an 11% share of the GSE lending market. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac put in lending caps that make money available to create affordable housing. When they approve more financing year after year, Walker & Dunlop benefits.

In 2021, these agencies had lending caps of $70 million each. Next year, they will grow their lending casp to $78 billion each, an 11% increase. This increase in lending will benefit Walker & Dunlop, which is looking forward to a wave of maturities that presents another significant opportunity in multifamily lending in the coming years.

A miniature house sits on top of financial graphs.

Image source: Getty Images.

3. Smart acquisitions will make its 2025 goals a reality

Walker & Dunlop has also made smart, strategic…

Read More: 3 Reasons Walker & Dunlop’s Growth Is for Real