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Between Forex Traders And Customers – :::…The Tide News Online:::…

Nigerians were told (thanks to The Tide newspaper of 17/9/2021 – page 4) that the cry of a mother of quadruplets for help was answered by the Rivers State Chapter of the Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ). We live in an environment where cries of agony by those in distress often die in the wind, while a few people live in obscene opulence, unmindful of the plight of the masses. Therefore, NAWOJ deserves to be praised for coming to ameliorate the plight of a mother of quadruplets.
NAWOJ was not alone in that rescue operation, because we were told that a non-governmental organisation, Susan Brown Foundation, also participated in giving help to the distraught mother. Although the woman had already lost one of the quadruplets, it was still an ordeal having to cater for the three new babies remaining. Worse still, prior to the delivery of the quadruplets, the woman was homeless, her old batcher residence having been demolished shortly before she gave birth to the quadruplets. Besides, she had three children before.
Nature and destiny can be quite humorous in the manner of dispensing of gifts and penalties to humans. Quadruplets would mean a woman having four babies in one single pregnancy, even when she did not ask for such blessing. On the other hand, there are several women and married couples longing for babies for several years, without having any. There are also distraught mothers who sell or throw away the babies they do not want.
Definitely the association of women journalists must play some vital roles towards the ennoblement, rather than abuse, of the status of women generally. Apart from being endowed with a more highly developed intuitive perceptive ability, women are known to give impetus, encouragement and support to the menfolk. Even when such upbuilding support comes by way of nagging and tantrums, still, women do educate, guide and inspire men towards greater endeavours.
Women are more likely to win greater sympathy and understanding of an obtuse audience, in situations which demand setting noble standards. For women in journalism, in particular, they are in a better position to take on the task of women, such as the one who had quadruplets, whose batcher residence was demolished and who had no tangible source of income. Obviously, Mrs Patience Essien Isaac is not alone in the categories of Nigerians whose conditions are pathetic. There are many more who cannot cry out to NAWOJ.
Let this appeal be made to NAWOJ to launch a project or programme of looking into and bringing to the limelight the plight of Nigerian women like Mrs Isaac. Not waiting until they cry out for help but carry out detailed investigative or research journalism to dig out the relevant facts and conditions. Like the Susan Brown Foundation, NAWOJ can also institute a Foundation that would focus on the peculiar plight of destitute women, single mothers, abused and abandoned women. Then appeal can be made to Nigerians of goodwill to support such NAWOJ…

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