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How anti-Trump conservatives have fled Fox News

The Goldberg/Hayes saga is a manifestation of a larger trend. The audience of right-wing media such as Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network wants little to do with resisting Trump, even if that means they are resisting the truth. Republicans who don’t get news from these networks are far more unfavorable to the former President.

We can see this well in a CNN/SSRS poll conducted in August and September. In the poll, I isolated Republicans and independents who leaned Republican who preferred to get their television or digital news only from Fox News, Newsmax or One America News Network.

Almost uniformly (88% to 11%), Republican voters who like getting their news from those conservative media outlets believe President Joe Biden did not legitimately get enough votes to win the presidency. In other words, almost all of the Republicans in the conservative media audience think a glaring falsehood is true.

A majority of Republican voters (57%) who follow digital or cable news and didn’t list Fox News, Newsmax or OANN (e.g. The New York Times or said they didn’t have a favorite) as their primary source also falsely believe Biden didn’t win the election legitimately. This level, though, is far smaller than among those who like getting their news from conservative media. Additionally, a significantly larger share of these Republicans (42%) believe the truth that Biden legitimately received enough votes to win the presidency.

The difference between these two audiences, however, isn’t merely about views on the 2020 election. It’s how important those views are to their identity as Republicans.

Republican voters who prefer to get their news from Fox, Newsmax or OANN are three times as likely (57% to 18%) to indicate that thinking Trump won in 2020 is very important to what being a Republican means to them.

That is, even if a majority of Republicans, regardless of where they like to get their news, have untrue beliefs about 2020, those views are much more deeply held among those who prefer those conservative news outlets.

A different slice of the data perhaps indicates this better. Just 11% of those who prefer conservative media say that thinking Trump won in 2020 is not at all important to what being a Republican means. This jumps to 38% among Republican voters who prefer other news outlets.

Importantly, this demonstrates that the percentage of the non-conservative media audience who say Trump winning is not at all important to their GOP identity is far bigger than those who say it is very important. The reverse is true among Republican voters who prefer conservative media.

Now, perhaps the big question is whether this is correlation (i.e. Trump fans were less likely to watch conservative media all along) or causation (i.e. conservative media is causing people to believe Biden didn’t win legitimately).

The answer is likely both. Yes, Republicans who prefer to get their news from conservative media were more likely to vote for Trump in 2020 (99% to…

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