Daily Trade News

Sustainability is on the wish list this holiday season

SustainAble Home Goods sells a selection of eco-conscious products online and also offers cloth wrapping that can be reused.

Source: SustainAble Home Goods

Some children might be waking up on Christmas morning to find more homemade gifts and a lot less wrapping paper under the tree.

One in three shoppers said they plan to ditch traditional wrapping paper for environmental reasons this holiday season, according to an Accenture survey, which asked 1,515 U.S. consumers in August about their holiday shopping plans.

Almost a quarter of consumers, meantime, are planning to buy materials or ingredients to give their own homemade gifts this year, Accenture found. And 37% of people say they’re likely going to be shopping in secondhand channels such as thrift stores this holiday season — for others and for themselves. That metric ticked up to 50% for shoppers under the age of 40.

“It’s a sustainable holiday,” said Jill Standish, lead of Accenture’s global retail practice. “And people are more aware than ever.”

After spending so much time at home since March 2020, many households are in a “different frame of mind” as they think about decorating and gifting, Standish said.

“It’ll be less of a materialistic holiday and more of a human one,” she said. “People are more aware of the complexities of the supply chain and they’re more aware of what’s going on with the environment.”

She said Accenture’s survey also found 70% of consumers plan to make charitable contributions this holiday season, showing a “generosity of spirit,” too. “People are saying, ‘I’m going to open up my wallet.’ But how they’re spending it and what they’re spending it on is different,” Standish said.

‘The rise of the conscious consumer’

Read More: Sustainability is on the wish list this holiday season