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Top 10 Crypto Youtube Accounts To Follow By DailyCoin

Top 10 Crypto Youtube Accounts To Follow

As an emerging industry, the crypto industry is advancing rapidly, with new information and technology being developed every other day. While it is nigh impossible to keep up with every new trend in the industry, it is essential to know where to get important information. One such source is online video-sharing platform, YouTube.

YouTube has evolved from its earliest idea of a video online dating service into a repository of knowledge on almost every topic. Although any random person can upload “expert” videos on YouTube, the platform is home to some of the brightest minds in crypto.

So, here are our picks for the top 10 YouTube accounts every crypto enthusiast should follow, in no particular order.

1. Altcoin Daily
Founded by Aaron & Austin Arnold, Altcoin Daily has one of the largest crypto communities, with over 1.12 million subscribers. This channel has become popular for covering the latest news in the cryptoverse.

Altcoin Daily also pushes out some of the best market analyses, education, perspectives, and opinions about crypto projects, peppered with occasional interviews featuring prominent members of the crypto community.

2. Andreas “aantonop” Antonopoulos
Popular in the cryptoverse for being one of the long-standing crypto evangelists and apologists, Andreas Antonopoulos uploads videos covering all aspects of the crypto industry, from trends and project reviews, to market analysis and tokens. Andreas is an entertaining educator who makes the most complex crypto concepts feel simple.

3. BitBoy Crypto
With over 1.39 million subscribers, BitBoy Crypto is one of the largest crypto communities around. Led by Ben Armstrong, BitBoy Crypto drops 3-4 videos per day covering the latest crypto news, top CEO interviews, project reviews, and cryptocurrency trading advice.

4. Boxmining
Michael Gu, the host of Boxmining, has a solid background in science and has been active in the cryptoverse since 2012. His wealth of experience is shown in his ability to clearly explain how different cryptocurrencies work.

If you’re looking for a place to research crypto without unnecessary technicalities, Boxmining is a great place to start. In addition, Michael does a weekly analysis stream that covers all the latest news in the crypto and blockchain sectors.

5. DataDash
DataDash is remarkably popular among crypto investors for offering some of, if not the best, crypto trading tips. Hosted by Nicholas Merten, DataDash is the go-to channel for traders looking to take a deep dive into the technical side of trading cryptocurrencies.

6. Digital Asset News
If you’re looking to stay informed about the top cryptocurrency and digital asset news in bite-sized chunks, Digital Asset News is the channel for you. This channel is filled with top-drawer practical insights into cryptocurrencies, the financial markets, and general trading.

7. EllioTrades Crypto
EllioTrades Crypto has amassed over 517K subscribers due to…

Read More: Top 10 Crypto Youtube Accounts To Follow By DailyCoin