Daily Trade News

The massive messaging miscues of all the president’s men (and women)

“The adults are back in charge.” That was the message we heard after the 2020 election and in the early days of the Biden administration: Donald Trump and his band of misfits were out, and the experienced professionals were now in charge. Order would be restored, and normalcy would rule once again. 

But then the administration quickly learned that complaining and making pie-in-the-sky promises during a campaign is easy, but actually governing and executing on those promises is hard.

I wrote back in January 2021 that Biden was poised to have a successful first year in office, given the hand he was dealt: Multiple vaccines, nearly one million shots being administered daily upon taking office, a V-shaped economic recovery already in full swing (GDP grew 37.4 percent in the final two quarters of 2020) and a country ready to spend after being locked down for a year. Couple all of that with a hospitable media, and the 46th president was poised to have a solid 2021.  

But as we’re seeing, a presidency can’t be completely scripted. Soaring inflation, gas prices, a supply chain crisis, the border catastrophe and the Afghanistan debacle are all dragging down this presidency. On top of all that, Democrats are now seen as the anti-parent party following their crushing loss in the Virginia gubernatorial election.

No president since World War II has lost this much support this quickly in his first year. 


Biden has been largely hidden from the press as a result. He hasn’t done a one-on-one sit-down media interview since August. He rarely takes questions from the press following his speeches. 




And now, a…

Read More: The massive messaging miscues of all the president’s men (and women)