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Trump Says He’d Win 2024 Republican Nomination ‘Very Easily’

  • Former President Donald Trump said he’ll win the GOP nomination “very easily” if he were to run in the 2024 election.
  • “Most people have said if I run, they won’t run against me so I think that’s good,” Trump said.
  • An October poll found strong support among Republicans for a Trump 2024 bid for president.

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Former President Donald Trump on Friday said he’d easily win the GOP nomination if he runs in the 2024 presidential election. 

“I think if I run, I’ll get it,” he said on a Fox Business appearance. “Look, I have a 94, 95 percent, even in the CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference), I had a 98 percent approval rating. So if I decide to run, I’ll get it very easily.”

“Most people have said if I run, they won’t run against me so I think that’s good,” he added.

Trump hasn’t announced a formal run for the 2024 election yet, but he’s been teasing a potential bid since at least now President Joe Biden’s inauguration. Biden has said concretely that he plans to run for reelection in 2024. 

Trump has been testing the waters for a potential run. A confidential memo obtained by Politico found that his team had polled five key states to gauge whether they’d vote for him over Biden. The states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — gave Biden a critical Electoral College edge that denied Trump a second term in office, Insider’s John Dorman reported. The polls showed that Trump led in each of the five swing states. 

“Poll after poll clearly demonstrates that former President Donald Trump is still the 800-pound gorilla in the GOP and would be its 2024 nominee should he run,” said GOP pollster Tony Fabrizio, who conducting the polls for Trump’s super PAC, “Make America Great Again, Again!” 

“This new data clearly shows that today the voters in these five key states would be happy to return Trump to the White House and send Biden packing,” Fabrizio…

Read More: Trump Says He’d Win 2024 Republican Nomination ‘Very Easily’