Daily Trade News

Turkey – Factors to Watch on Nov 29

ISTANBUL, Nov 29 (Reuters) – Here are news, reports and events that may affect Turkish financial markets on Monday.

The lira traded at , at 12.4395 against the dollar early on Monday, after closing at 12.2500 on Friday. It touched a record low of 13.45 last week.

The main BIST 100 share index (.XU100) fell 2.35% to 1,776.41 points on Friday.

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U.S. stock futures led a market rebound on Monday as investors prepared to wait a few weeks to see if the Omicron coronavirus variant would really derail economic recoveries and the tightening plans of some central banks. Oil prices bounced more than $3 a barrel to recoup a chunk of Friday’s shellacking, while safe haven bonds and the yen lost ground as markets latched onto hopes the new variant of concern would prove to be “mild”. read more


President Tayyip Erdogan has ordered an investigation into possible currency manipulation after the lira fell sharply to record lows against the dollar last week, the Anadolu news agency reported on Saturday. read more


The Turkish Statistical Institute will announce foreign trade data for October (0700 GMT).


The Turkish Statistical Institute will release the economic confidence index for November (0700 GMT).


Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), will chair a meeting of the party’s central executive committee (0900 GMT).


Transport Minister Adil Karaismailoglu will attend the opening ceremony for the Ayancik Terminal in the Black Sea province of Sinop (0800 GMT).


Turkey closed its borders to passengers from Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia and Zimbabwe as a measure against the new coronavirus variant, Turkish Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said on Friday. read more

Turkey logged 21,655 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, health ministry data showed. Turkey recorded 213 deaths from the virus in the same period.

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Compiled by Daren Butler

Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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