Daily Trade News

Ocado Group PLC teases with promise of game-changing technology

Ocado’s announcement of a virtual launch of “game-changing technology” on 26 January comes a day after a four-year-old video of a virtual supermarket was trending on Twitter

Ocado Group PLC (LSE:OCDO) has issued a teaser, saying it will unveil “the next leap of game-changing technology and innovation” later this month.

“We have a long tradition of solving some of the toughest technology challenges of our age – join us and be among the first to see the next leap in innovation.” the company said, announcing that the virtual product launch would take place on 26 January.

Naturally, the technology company, best known for its robot-infested fulfilment centres (i.e. warehouses), has not revealed what this technology might be, leaving the market to speculate.

If the company is thinking of developing “virtual shopping” it has already been beaten to the punch. Walmart was talking about this as long ago as 2017.

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Of course, Ocado could add certain additional features, such as the chance to guess which virtual checkout button will see you stuck behind the technophobic who does not know how to make debit card payments.

Amazon and other delivery specialists have already experimented with delivery by drone so Ocado’s new wheeze maybe something along those lines, although one of its warehouses is in Hatfield, which is a bit close to both Luton and Heathrow airports, which might cause some angst for both airport operators if it means drones are flying over the airports all hours of the day and night.

Still, a distribution centre a few miles from an airport is a better idea than building one right next to a primary school.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are all the rage in some circles and it has been suggested that Ocado’s new technology will enable shoppers to, say, own an apple, or a packet of corn flakes or a leg of lamb without actually ever receiving the product.

This technology would not only scratch the compulsive shopping/instant gratification itch but would also please the ecologists as it saves on the exploitation of the earth’s resources and the digital delivery method will reduce the carbon footprint.

Talking of tree huggers, the vegetarians won’t be pleased if Ocado’s new technology is one that ensures live animals are included with every delivery.

Read More: Ocado Group PLC teases with promise of game-changing technology