Daily Trade News

Rent guarantor service provider to float on AQSE Growth Market

RentGuarantor is led by chief executive Paul Foy and chief operating officer Emma Foy, and is being spun out of the Foy’s Ezylet group of companies

RentGuarantor Holdings PLC, a company providing a rent guarantee service to tenants wishing to rent property in the UK, is planning to list its shares on London’s Aquis Exchange.

The London-based company, which offers an online service where applications can be managed on a secure and bespoke digital platform, said it plans to raise £62,500 with a share issue at the price of 100p before listing on the AQSE Growth Market.

Alfred Henry Corporate Finance will be the company’s AQSE corporate adviser.

RentGuarantor is led by chief executive Paul Foy and chief operating officer Emma Foy, and is being spun out of the Foy’s Ezylet group of companies.

Landlords and letting agents often ask for a UK-based guarantor such as a parent or other relative who will pay the rent in the event of a default, or if not, demand six or 12 months’ rent in advance.

RentGuarantor offers to be a guarantor as part of a service costing from £249 and upwards, according to the company’s website.

Read More: Rent guarantor service provider to float on AQSE Growth Market