Daily Trade News

Ivanka Trump, Don Jr. Misled Financial Institutions About Trump Org.

New York’s Attorney General is disclosing new details about what she says her ongoing investigation into former president Donald Trump’s business has uncovered, including information that involves some of Trump’s children.

Letitia James said in court filings Tuesday that the investigation found instances where Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump provided misleading financial representations to institutions. The investigation also uncovered that the former president “had ultimate authority over a wide swath of conduct by the Trump Organization involving misstatements to counterparties, including financial institutions, and the Internal Revenue Service,” according to a court filing.

The court filing alleges that “since 2017, Donald Trump, Jr. has had authority over numerous financial statements containing misleading asset valuations.” The filing also asserts that “until January 2017, Ms. Trump was a primary contact for the Trump Organization’s largest lender, Deutsche Bank. In connection with this work, Ms. Trump caused misleading financial statements to be submitted to Deutsche Bank and the federal government.”

The disclosure is in response to Trump’s legal efforts to quash a series of subpoenas served against him, his son Donald Jr. and his daughter as part of James’ civil investigation, which is separate from a criminal investigation primarily being led by new Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

“Light of the pervasive and repeated nature of the misstatements and omissions, it appears that the valuations in the Statements were generally inflated as part of a pattern to suggest that Mr. Trump’s net worth was higher than it otherwise would have appeared,” the filing states.

Previously, Trump’s legal team said the state attorney general “is engaged in a criminal investigation that has an active grand jury. It cannot issue subpoenas for testimony under the guise of a civil investigation that will immediately become available” to its own criminal investigation, the lawyers argued in their motion to quash the subpoenas.

“The subpoenas are an obvious improper end-run around the rules,” they added.

Attorneys for the Trumps also requested the judge postpone the depositions until after the criminal probe if the motion to quash the subpoenas is rejected.

In response to what she called “delay tactics and litigation in an attempt to thwart a legitimate investigation,” James said in a press release late Tuesday night that her office “will not be deterred” in the investigation.

“We have uncovered significant evidence that suggests Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization falsely and fraudulently valued multiple assets and misrepresented those values to financial institutions for economic benefit,” James said in a statement. “The Trumps must comply with our lawful subpoenas for documents and testimony because no one in this country can pick and choose if and how the law applies to them.”

Read More: Ivanka Trump, Don Jr. Misled Financial Institutions About Trump Org.