Daily Trade News

McConnell’s take on all things un-presidential seems a mite

I don’t think I’ve ever heard Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell utter the term “profoundly un-presidential” before. I’m stunned that, having lived through the four years of the Trump presidency, he chooses to find a speech on voting rights by President Biden as the moment to use it.

Donald Trump attempting to coerce the president of a foreign country into assisting his reelection here at home comes to mind. Surely that was un-presidential.

What about that phone call with the Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump pressured him about those 11,780 votes he needed. That smelled un-presidential.

And then there’s planning with a cabal of aides to overturn or disqualify the formal Electoral College vote count in Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, with the added feature of assembling and delivering an insurrectionist mob to assist in the effort. Now that sounds profoundly un-presidential.

James P. Pehl


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