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President Biden is a fool who’s fooling himself

President Biden’s marathon two-hour press conference Wednesday was an exercise in self-delusion. 

The reality of American voters’ lived experience of his presidency is evident in his plummeting polls after a hellish first year of self-inflicted crises, from Afghanistan to inflation to illegal migration. 

And yet the president declared to the world that he is doing a tremendous job and has “achieved more than any president in history.” 

He blamed Republicans for any stumbles, despite the fact that his party controls the White House, the House and the Senate. 

Only a couple of things would he do differently, he said. He would seek advice from “academia, editorial writers and think tanks.” That will really give him the pulse of the American people. 

And he said he would get out of Washington, DC, more often, although he has spent more than a quarter of his time as president goofing off in one or other of his Delaware homes. 

“I have not been out in the community nearly enough . . . I don’t get the chance to look people in the eye . . . let them take a measure of my sincerity.” 

Well, let’s see how well he did on the sincerity-versus-delusion scale in his first press conference in 78 days

Joe Biden and dog
President Joe Biden praised himself during the conference for a successful first year and getting a lot of work done compared to predecessors.
AFP via Getty Images

1. Biden has “outperformed” all expectations in his first year. 

“I didn’t overpromise, but I did outperform what anyone thought would happen . . . You have to acknowledge we made enormous progress . . . Can you think of any other president that has done as much in one year?” 

This is delusional in the sense Biden means, congratulating himself for “achievements” such as presiding over an economy trying to heal itself in fits and starts if only he would get out of the way, and continuing the vaccine rollout bequeathed to him by his predecessor. 

But if you look at the statement another way, he’s absolutely right. 

In the lasting damage his polices have wrought, he has outperformed even the lowest expectations set by his former boss, Barack Obama, who reportedly warned Democrats: “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.” 

2. Inflation is nothing to do with him. It’s the fault of the supply chain crisis which is the fault of COVID-19. 

Actually, the primary cause of current inflation is out-of-control federal government spending which has flooded the US economy with trillions of dollars. 

Inflation in stores
Inflation is a major problem that Americans are dealing with, especially small business owners.
Anthony Behar/Sipa USA

He said it’s the Federal Reserve’s job to fix the problem and to that end he has appointed five “historically diverse” men and women to serve on the board of governors as if identity politics ever solved anything. He also said…

Read More: President Biden is a fool who’s fooling himself