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Twitter Blue rolls out NFT profile pics for iOS By Cointelegraph

On Thursday afternoon, Twitter (NYSE:) announced that it would be rolling out iOS support for nonfungible token, or NFT, hexagonal avatars. As of now, only paid subscribers of Twitter Blue using iOS, which costs $2.99 per month, can access the feature. According to a tutorial video, users can connect their wallet, including Coinbase (NASDAQ:) Wallet, Rainbow, MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Argent, or Ledger Live, and set it as their profile pic, with the process taking a few seconds.

Users can also learn more about each other’s NFT avatars, such as their owners, creators, description of the series, as well as verification of authenticity on third-party platforms like OpenSea. According to Twitter, the platform does not maintain an ongoing connection with one’s crypto wallet. However, the firm stores one’s public wallet address to ensure that it continues to hold the NFT avatar. Although one can only set it on iOS through Twitter Blue, the NFT profile pic will be visible across all platforms.