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Biden says a Russian invasion of Ukraine ‘would change the world’

U.S. President Joe Biden talks to reporters about Russia and the crisis in Ukraine as he pays a visit to a small clothing and gifts store on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 25, 2022.

Leah Millis | Reuters

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden cast a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine in stark historical terms Tuesday, saying, “it would be the largest invasion since World War II.”

“It would change the world,” said Biden, if the tens of thousands of Russian troops who have been amassing on the Russian-Ukrainian border were to launch an incursion into Ukrainian territory.

Biden’s remarks reflect a growing consensus among experts that any conflict in Ukraine is unlikely to be confined to a small area or a short window of time, and that its effects will ripple through Europe and beyond.

This is very different from the 2014 Russian annexation of Crimea, which was largely contained within Crimea itself, with fighting lasting a little over a month, and Ukraine ultimately withdrawing its troops.

Biden made the remarks during a surprise visit to Honey Made, a newly opened gift store near the Capitol that sells handmade crafts. The stop was part of a broader effort to highlight a rise in the number of small businesses created during the pandemic.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been building up Russia’s military presence on the Ukrainian border for months. Putin insists that Russia is only protecting itself from what he sees as an expanding NATO alliance. He wants assurances that Ukraine will not be admitted as a member.

Now, with more than 100,000 Russian troops and armaments in place, analysts and policymakers say it is unlikely that even the frantic diplomatic talks underway in Geneva between Moscow and NATO members can stop Putin from breaching Ukraine’s territory.

Biden has repeatedly pledged not to send American or NATO troops into Ukraine. But he recently directed the Pentagon to ready 8,500 U.S. soldiers for potential deployments to NATO allied countries in Eastern Europe.

U.S. President Joe Biden talks with shop owner Viboonrattana Honey as he pays a visit to a small store called Honey Made that sells handmade clothing and gifts on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 25, 2022.

Leah Millis | Reuters

Asked whether the odds of a Russian invasion had increased or decreased in recent days, Biden said it was difficult to predict Putin’s next move.

“It’s a little bit like reading tea leaves,” said Biden. “Ordinarily, with a different leader, the fact that he continues to build forces along Ukraine’s border from Belarus all the way around, you’d say, ‘well, that looks like he’s going to do something.'”

In Putin’s case, however, the autocratic leader has a long record of bluffing and doublespeak. Moreover, Russia’s economy is dependent on energy exports to Europe, and they would likely take a hit from economic sanctions NATO has pledged to impose in response to any attack on Ukraine.

“There will be enormous consequences if [Putin] were to go in…

Read More: Biden says a Russian invasion of Ukraine ‘would change the world’