Daily Trade News

Anchor protocol’s reserves head toward depletion due to lack of

Anchor, the flagship savings protocol of the Luna (LUNA) ecosystem, has seen its reserves decline by 35.7% in the past seven days, according to Terra.Engineer. Since the beginning of December, the amount of Terra USD Stablecoin (UST) held in the “terra1tmnqgvg567ypvsvk6rwsga3srp7e3lg6u0elp8” smart contract has declined by over 50%, with only $35.7 million remaining.

As a savings protocol, users deposit their UST assets via their wallets and earn up to 20% yields as their principal is lent out to borrowers, who pay interest on the loan amount. Borrowers must deposit collateral to ensure the lender can get their money back in the event of a default. In addition, Anchor stakes the collateral it receives to generate rewards for depositors.