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Here’s what the Fed’s expected rate hike means for your wallet

The Federal Reserve is expected to raise rates Wednesday as they look to contain soaring inflation.

The first quarter-point increase in the federal funds rate in three years will likely lay the groundwork for additional hikes to follow.

“The cumulative effect of rate hikes is what is really going to have an impact on the economy and household budgets,” said Greg McBride, Bankrate.com’s chief financial analyst.

Typically, as borrowing costs rise, consumers will spend less, ultimately cooling the pressure on prices. But if you’re concerned about what this means for your own credit card debt, auto loan, mortgage rate and student loan tab, here’s a breakdown of what may happen. 

Credit cards

For starters, most credit cards have a variable rate, which means there’s a direct connection to the Fed’s benchmark.

Credit card rates are currently around 16.34%, down from a high of 17.85%, according to Bankrate, but expect your annual percentage rate to rise when the Fed makes a move.

“A single quarter-point rate increase isn’t likely to flip cardholders’ financial world upside down. However, all rate hikes, even small ones, are unwelcome news for folks with credit card debt,” said Matt Schulz, chief credit analyst for LendingTree.

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Borrowers with revolving debt should find a zero-interest balance transfer credit card while they can and start to pay down the balance, McBride advised.

“That is a tremendous opportunity to put yourself on the expressway to getting out of debt,” he said.

Auto loans

For those planning on purchasing a new car in the next few months, a Fed interest rate change likely will not have any material effect on what rate you get.

A quarter percentage point difference on a $25,000 loan is $3 a month, according to Bankrate’s McBride. “Nobody is going to have to downsize from the SUV to the compact because of [interest] rates going up,” he said.

As with housing, the greatest barrier to buying a car remains finding something in your price range.


As the Fed raises rates, long-term fixed mortgage rates are also heading higher, since they are influenced by the economy and inflation.

The average 30-year fixed-rate home mortgage has already risen to 4.14% — up a full percentage point since November — and is likely to keep climbing.

Many homeowners with adjustable rate mortgages or home equity lines of credit, which are pegged to the prime rate, will also be affected. But unlike an adjustable rate mortgage, a home equity line of credit, or HELOC, adjust immediately rather than once a year. 

“A lot of people haven’t tapped their home equity line for improvements, maybe it’s time to lock those rates in,” said Mark Scribner, managing director of Oxygen Financial in Boston.

Student loans

Federal student loan rates are fixed, so…

Read More: Here’s what the Fed’s expected rate hike means for your wallet