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10 tips to help you find the perfect apartment after college

Congratulations! You did it! You graduated college and got your degree. But once all the college graduation parties and final hangouts with your friends come to an end, it’s time to hesitantly glare into the next phase of your life. It’s time to get your first apartment.

A lot of us know roughly where we want to go — “I’m moving to New York!” or “I’m off to Chicago!”

But most of us have no idea what we’re in for.

All that hard work in school may have helped you find your dream job, but it won’t help you find your dream apartment. That’s up to you.

“Moving to LA has a lot of unique challenges,” said Katie Goralski, a recent graduate from Syracuse University. “[My roommate and I] constantly were looking for an area that fits both our safety and budgetary needs.”

Katie Goralski, a graduate of Syracuse University, now lives in Los Angeles.

Source: Katie Goralski

That’s really tricky. A lot of times, you find a neighborhood in a city that you love but are soon deflated when you realize you can’t afford to live there. If you opt for a neighborhood where the rent is really cheap, it might not be that safe. You have to find that balance. And it’s not just the rent you have to worry about – it’s everything else. If you’re moving to New York City, for example, you’re going to find that everything costs more. A LOT more. You have to factor that in when you’re figuring out how much rent you can afford.

“Living in New York City is expensive,” said Matt Kennedy, a recent Marymount Manhattan College graduate. “I knew that coming in but didn’t really understand it.”

This may seem daunting, but you’re not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people your age are going through the exact same thing you are. So, first thing: start crunching some numbers.

It’s important to understand your budget and the average rents in the city you want to move to. Pick a neighborhood that’s right for you and try to find a roommate if possible. Start scouring the internet for trustworthy apartment listing sites. Don’t forget to include the cost for utilities and transportation in your budget. And, most apartments will be empty when you first walk in, so you’re going to need some money for furniture.

There’s a lot to think about when looking for the right apartment out of college. Here are a few tips to help you find what’s right for you.

1. Pick your city

For many, this may not be an option based on the job you were hired for. But surprisingly enough, you don’t have to live in the city you are working in. If you can’t afford to live in the city you work in, there are plenty of other surrounding areas that may have cheaper housing.

“Don’t get emotionally caught up in an apartment that you can’t afford and doesn’t suit your budget,” said Bola Sokunbi, CEO of Clever Girl Finance, a company that aims to help young women manage their finances right out of college. “Everyone wants to live in a big city out of college, but if it’s not affordable, you may want to consider working your way up and…

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10 tips to help you find the perfect apartment after college