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Tesla boss Elon Musk blasts Biden, Democrats on Twitter

Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Friday blasted the Biden administration and Democrats on Twitter, as the world’s richest man doubled down on his vow to vote for Republicans.

Musk in a tweet accused the Biden administration of doing “everything it can to sideline” and ignore Tesla, despite its dominance in the electric vehicle industry.

Musk, who is making an increasingly fraught attempt to buy Twitter for $44 billion, suggested Thursday that Democrats would target him with a smear campaign after he announced that he would vote for GOP candidates.

“In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican,” Musk tweeted Thursday.

“Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold …,” he wrote, ending the tweet with a “popcorn” emoji.

Hours later Thursday, Business Insider published a bombshell report detailing allegations that Musk exposed his genitals to a private jet flight attendant as he asked her for a full body massage on a SpaceX flight to London. The report said he offered to buy her a horse for her acquiescence to his purported sexual requests.

Musk denied the woman’s claims. Insider reported that they were detailed in a written declaration from a friend of hers, submitted to bolster a complaint the woman made to SpaceX’s human resources department.

But neither Musk nor SpaceX have denied Business Insider’s report that the aerospace firm he founded and runs paid the woman $250,000 in severance in exchange for her silence after she complained about his alleged conduct.

Musk in a tweet wrote, “The attacks against me should be viewed through a political lens – this is their standard (despicable) playbook – but nothing will deter me from fighting for a good future and your right to free speech.”

On Thursday, after Musk tweeted that he expected a “dirty tricks campaign against me” following his announcement that he would vote Republican, the Democratic podcaster Jon Favreau fired back at Musk.

“Hey man, if you want to support a bunch of electric vehicle-hating climate deniers, that’s on you,” tweeted Favreau, who was a speechwriter to President Barack Obama.

“Not sure that it helps the cause that you and your team have dedicated much of your lives to, but I guess you’ll get some attention on Twitter, so there’s that!” Favreau wrote.

Musk replied Friday, writing, “Hi Jon! You’re a good dude, but obv die-hard Dem, so have to support the party, but this Adminstration has done everything it can to sideline & ignore Tesla, even though we have made twice as many EVs as rest of US industry combined.”

Earlier this week at the All In Summit in Miami, Musk said he would classify himself “as a moderate, neither Republican or Democrat,” who “overwhelmingly” voted for Democrats in the past.

“I might never have voted Republican. Now, this election? I will,” Musk said at the event.

“The Democratic Party is overly controlled by the unions…

Read More: Tesla boss Elon Musk blasts Biden, Democrats on Twitter