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Biden says his Taiwan comments don’t reflect a change in U.S. policy

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a joint news conference with Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida after their bilateral meeting at Akasaka Palace in Tokyo, Japan, May 23, 2022. 

Jonathan Ernst | Reuters

President Joe Biden insisted Tuesday that the U.S. hasn’t changed its strategic policy on Taiwan, a day after he angered Beijing when he said his administration would be willing to use military force to defend the island.

Biden met with leaders from Japan, India and and Australia at their second so-called Quad Leaders’ Summit, which wrapped up Tuesday in Tokyo.

The U.S. president startled many of the delegates when he suggested Monday that the U.S. could put American troops in Taiwan should China invade. When asked by a reporter if he “was willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan,” Biden said “yes.”

Those remarks came as a surprise to world leaders as a departure from decades of U.S. policy that warned China against using force in Taiwan — but opted to remain vague about the extent to which it would defend the island.

The president clarified his statement after wrapping up talks with global leaders in Tokyo on Tuesday.

“The policy has not changed at all,” he said when asked if his earlier comments signaled an end to the U.S. approach of strategic ambiguity American diplomats have followed for decades. “I stated that when I made my statement yesterday.”

Biden’s initial declaration, made during his first trip to Asia as president, enflamed tensions between the U.S. and the communist Chinese government, which believes that Taiwan is a part of its territory and cannot exist as a sovereign nation.

Despite Biden’s second-day clarification, it remains unclear whether the president’s comments were a gaffe or intentional. Nevertheless, the White House was quick to offer a moderating message in an email to CNBC.

“As the President said, our policy has not changed. He reiterated our One China Policy and our commitment to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” a White House official told CNBC in an email.

The One China policy holds that the communist People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government of China and acknowledges unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan.

“He also reiterated our commitment under the Taiwan Relations Act to provide Taiwan with the military means to defend itself,” the White House official added.

Chinese communist leaders, however, were not convinced.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin warned on Monday that “no one should underestimate the strong resolve, determination and capability of the Chinese people in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

“No one should stand in opposition to the 1.4 billion Chinese people,” he added.

This isn’t the first time White House aides have attempted to temper remarks made by the president.

Biden in March sparked a political firestorm when he said in Poland that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.” Later that day,…

Read More: Biden says his Taiwan comments don’t reflect a change in U.S. policy