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Russia sends alarm bells ringing over Europe’s winter gas supplies

Gazprom’s Miller says he sees no solution to an ongoing equipment issue at part of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images

LONDON — An ominous warning from Russia’s state-backed energy giant Gazprom has stoked fears of another turbulent winter for European gas supplies.

As a pre-summer heatwave hits western Europe this week, policymakers in the region are scrambling to fill underground storage with natural gas supplies to provide households with enough fuel to keep the lights on and homes warm before the cold returns.

Fears of a severe winter gas shortage are driven by the risk of a full supply disruption to the EU — which receives roughly 40% of its gas via Russian pipelines. The bloc is trying to rapidly reduce its reliance on Russian hydrocarbons in response to the Kremlin’s nearly four-month-long onslaught in Ukraine.

The worry for many is just how dependable Russian gas flows are to Europe as the conflict continues and as economic sanctions bite. Indeed, Moscow has already cut gas supplies to Finland, Poland, Bulgaria Denmark’s Orsted, Dutch firm Gasterra and energy giant Shell for its German contracts, all over a gas-for-rubles payment dispute.

More recently, Russia’s Gazprom opted to further limit supplies via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline that runs from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea, and reduced flows to Italy.

Gazprom on Wednesday cited a technical problem for the supply cut, saying the problem stemmed from the delayed return of equipment serviced by Germany’s Siemens Energy in Canada. Austria and Slovakia have also reported supply reductions from Russia.

What’s more, in fiery comments likely to have sent alarm bells ringing throughout the bloc, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said Thursday that Russia will play by its own rules after the firm halved supplies to Germany.

“Our product, our rules. We don’t play by rules we didn’t create,” Miller said during a panel session at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, according to The Moscow Times.

Miller reportedly said the return of equipment at the Portovaya compressor station — part of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline that carries Russian gas to Germany — had been hampered by an unprecedented barrage of economic sanctions. He added that he saw no solution to the problem.

Flow regulator valves at a natural gas measuring station in Moldova.

Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck has rejected the claim that Western sanctions were to blame and slammed Russia’s supply curbs as a “political decision” designed to unsettle the region and ramp up gas prices.

Wholesale Dutch gas prices, a European benchmark for natural gas trading, jumped as much as 9% during Friday morning deals, before paring gains.

Energy rationing warning

Read More: Russia sends alarm bells ringing over Europe’s winter gas supplies