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Wall Street layoffs likely ahead as two-year hiring boom turns to

People walk by the New York Stock Exchange.

Spencer Platt | Getty Images News | Getty Images

Less than six months ago, Wall Street bankers were reaping the rewards from a historic boom in mergers and IPOs.

Now, thanks to a confluence of factors that have cast a pall over markets and caused most deal categories to plunge this year, broad-based job cuts loom for the first time since 2019, according to industry sources.

The turnaround illustrates the feast-or-famine nature of Wall Street advisory work. Firms were caught understaffed when central banks unleashed trillions of dollars in support for markets at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The ensuing surge in capital markets activity such as public listings led to a bull market for Wall Street talent, from 22-year-old college graduates to richly compensated rainmakers.

For the first time in years, bank employees seemed to gain the upper hand. They pushed back against return-to-office mandates. They received record bonuses, multiple rounds of raises, protected time away from work and even Peloton bicycles.

But that’s over, according to those who place bankers and traders at Wall Street firms.

“I can’t see a situation where banks don’t do RIFs in the second half of the year,” David McCormack, head of recruitment firm DMC Partners, said in a phone interview. The word “RIF” is industry jargon meaning a “reduction in force,” or layoffs.

‘Very challenging’

The industry is limping into the traditionally slower summer months, squeezed by steep declines in financial assets, uncertainty caused by the Ukraine war and central banks’ moves to combat inflation.

IPO volumes have dropped a staggering 91% in the U.S. from a year earlier, according to Dealogic data. Companies are unwilling or unable to issue stock or bonds, leading to steep declines in equity and debt capital markets revenues, especially in high yield, where volumes have fallen 75%. They’re also less likely to make acquisitions, leading to a 30% drop in deals volume so far this year.

Wall Street’s top executives have acknowledged the slowdown.

Last month, JPMorgan Chase President Daniel Pinto said bankers face a “very, very challenging environment” and that their fees were headed for a 45% second-quarter decline. His boss, CEO Jamie Dimon, warned investors this month that an economic “hurricane” was on its way, saying that the bank was bracing itself for volatile markets.

Daniel Pinto, JPMorgan’s chief executive of corporate and investment bank.

Simon Dawson | Bloomberg | Getty Images

“There’s no question that we’re seeing a tougher capital markets environment,” Goldman Sachs President John Waldron told analysts at a conference this month.

The industry has a long track record of hiring aggressively in boom times, only to have to turn to layoffs when deals taper off. The volatility in results is one reason investors assign a lower valuation to investment banks than say, wealth management firms. In the decade after the 2008 financial crisis, Wall Street…

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