Daily Trade News

Biden administration faces midnight court deadline to defend $350

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration faces a legal deadline at midnight to defend former President Donald Trump’s China tariffs, even as the White House considers scaling them back to lower consumer prices and ease inflation. 

Scores of companies sued the Trump administration in September 2020, arguing the process of implementing a third and fourth tranche of tariffs on roughly $350 billion in goods was overly broad and hastily implemented. If the Biden administration, having inherited the suit, cannot prove the legitimacy of the tariffs or the process, it may be forced to re-evaluate tens of thousands of public comments on the tax penalties, or reimburse the parties for what they’ve paid.

“The stakes are significant,” says Alex Schaefer, international trade partner at Crowell, who represents some of the importers. Schaefer says the government lacks the manpower to process the volume of  comments, and refunding importers could cost $80 billion. 

The U.S. Trade Representative’s office declined to comment. The Department of Justice, which represents the administration in legal cases, declined to comment on the government’s position but said it could be awhile before there’s a final outcome.

The deadline puts the White House in an awkward position: Potentially defending its predecessor’s program, while studying ways potentially to alter it. Adm. John Kirby, the National Security Council’s spokesman, recently called the tariffs “poorly designed,” “a shoddy deal,” that “increased costs for American families.”   

President Joe Biden has yet to make a decision on the options his advisers have presented on the tariffs, according to senior administration officials. The officials and people familiar with the matter have suggested certain fault lines forming in the policy debate, with political aides advising Biden to keep the levies in place to avoid attacks across the aisle.

Amb. Katherine Tai, who as U.S. Trade Representative holds the leading role on the tariffs, has suggested they have strategic value in maintaining leverage in negotiations with China. The economic team, led by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, has been advocating to roll back at least a some of the tariffs that directly hit consumers to alleviate inflation, administration officials say, asking not to be identified because the discussions are private. 

The economic impact on inflation is difficult to estimate since not all imports affected by tariffs are consumer goods, and not all cost savings incurred by importers at the ports of entry would be felt by consumers at the checkout counter. Analysts at JP Morgan Chase estimated that, if retailers left prices relatively unchanged, removing all tariffs would lower inflation by, at most, 0.4%. 

In mid-June, White House aides confirmed they asked retail executives, which have long lobbied for relief on items like bicycles, furniture and air-conditioning units, whether tariff relief would be passed through to consumers. According to…

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