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Time for U.S. to reevaluate Saudi relationship, Sen. Chris Murphy

U.S. senator calls OPEC+ plans to cut oil production a 'mistake'

OPEC+’s plans to cut oil production is a “mistake,” according to U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, who said there needs to be a re-evaluation of the alliance between the group’s de-facto leader and the United States.

The influential alliance of some of the world’s most powerful oil producers is reportedly considering its largest output cut since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I think it is a mistake on their part. And I think it’s time for a wholesale re-revaluation of the U.S. alliance with Saudi Arabia,” Murphy told CNBC’s Hadley Gamble Tuesday.

Murphy said that the United States needed the Saudis to take steps that “may affect their short-term bottom line when it comes to oil revenues,” but which would allow the West to survive the challenge against Russia.

“I just don’t know what the point of the current alliance is, if we have to work so hard to get the Saudis to do the right thing,” the Democratic Party member Murphy said.

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U.S. President Joe Biden visited the Saudi government in July in a bid to ramp up oil production and rein in soaring energy prices. Increased production would flood the market with oil, helping to cool global gasoline prices which can hurt the U.S economy when they are sky-high.

Murphy added that he does not think Biden’s visit had gotten what they needed from the Saudis, and cautioned on the United States having any sort of business dealings Saudi Arabia.

Associating with a ‘brutal regime’

“I think you’ve got to be very careful to do business with the Saudis these days, you’re condoning and associating yourself with a brutal regime,” he said.

“A regime [that] frankly, doesn’t seem to be willing to stand with its allies in Europe, in the United States when we really need them to.”

“What’s the point of looking the other way if the Saudis chop up journalists and repress political speech inside Saudi Arabia,” he continued. His comments refer to the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, Washington Post journalist and critic of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul in October 2018. 

According to a U.S. intelligence report, the Saudi crown prince approved an operation to capture or kill Khashoggi at that point in time. The Saudis deny any involvement by the crown prince, maintaining that the death was the result of a premeditated rendition plan gone awry.

The Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs was not immediately available for comment when contacted by CNBC.

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OPEC control

Read More: Time for U.S. to reevaluate Saudi relationship, Sen. Chris Murphy