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Herschel Walker’s 2nd abortion accuser shows her face in TV interview

A woman who last week anonymously accused Republican Senate hopeful Herschel Walker of pressuring her to have an abortion said she decided to show her face after the anti-abortion candidate called her a liar.

“I’ve kept this to myself for thirty years,” the woman, who still chose to be referred to as “Jane Doe,” said in an on-camera interview that aired Tuesday on ABC News’ “Good Morning America.”

“I protected him. And I wanted this to remain private, for obvious reasons,” the woman said.

Doe is the second woman to allege that Walker, a former pro football player running to unseat incumbent Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock in Georgia, had pressured and paid for her to get an abortion when they were in a relationship years earlier. The two candidates appear to be in a dead heat in the final sprint to the Nov. 8 midterms.

Weeks earlier, a different woman had accused Walker of paying for her abortion in 2009 and then urging her to get a second one two years later. That woman, who also kept her identity private, told The New York Times and The Daily Beast that she did not terminate the second pregnancy, and has raised the son she had with Walker largely without his help.

Walker, a critic of absentee fathers who has expressed support for an abortion ban without exceptions, has denied the allegations from both women.

The second woman’s allegations came to light last Wednesday at a press conference led by famed women’s rights attorney Gloria Allred. Reporters at that Los Angeles event heard from the accuser, but did not see her face.

She said she decided to come forward after hearing Walker deny the first woman’s accusations, in part by claiming he never signed letters with an “H.”

“I knew I had many cards from him where he signed the letter ‘H.’ And so I believed then that she was telling the truth,” Doe said in the televised interview.

Walker, in a statement responding to Doe’s new interview, told NBC News, “This was a lie a week ago and it is a lie today.”

“Seven days before an election, the Democrats trot out Gloria Allred and some woman I do not know,” Walker’s statement said. “My opponents will do and say anything to win this election. The entire Democrat machine is coming after me and the people of Georgia. I am not intimidated. Once again, they messed with the wrong Georgian.”

The woman, who says she is a registered independent who voted for former President Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, said she was motivated by the truth, not politics, to come forward with her accusation.

“I think honesty matters,” she said when asked why she believes Walker is not fit to serve in the U.S. Senate.

She showed cards allegedly written by Walker, as well as hotel receipts from when they stayed together during their six-year affair that began in the late 1980s, when Walker was playing for the Dallas Cowboys and was married to his then-wife, Cindy DeAngelis Grossman. Allred in last week’s press conference had also played audio from a 1992 voicemail that Walker allegedly left…

Read More: Herschel Walker’s 2nd abortion accuser shows her face in TV interview