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Nuclear fusion passes major milestone: net energy generation

The National Ignition Facility target chamber at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is where scientists shoot lasers and watch and measure what happens when those lasers collide on a fuel source. Temperatures of 100 million degrees and pressures extreme enough to compress a target up to 100 times the density of lead are created in this facility.

Photo by Damien Jemison/ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

On Tuesday, the head of the Department of Energy and other federal scientific leaders announced that a fusion reaction run at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California achieved net energy, meaning the reaction generated more energy than was put in to initiate the reaction. It is the first time humankind has achieved this landmark.

Fusion is the way that the sun makes power, but recreating a useful fusion reaction here on earth has eluded scientists for decades. Achieving net positive energy paves the way for fusion to move from a lab science to a usable energy source.

Fusion is particularly attractive given the increasing urgency of climate change because it produces no carbon emissions, nor does it produce the long-lasting nuclear waste associated with nuclear fission, which is the type of nuclear energy used today.

The event happened on Dec. 5, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory said on its Twitter account on Tuesday. “On December 5, 2022 a team from DOE’s @Livermore_Lab made history by achieving fusion ignition.” it wrote. “Also known as scientific energy breakeven, the experiment produced more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it.”

“This is important. Earlier results were records, but not yet producing more energy out than was put in,” Andrew Holland, the CEO of the industry’s trade group, the Fusion Industry Association, told CNBC. “For the first time on Earth, scientists have confirmed a fusion energy experiment released more power than it takes to initiate, proving the physical basis for fusion energy. This will lead fusion to be a safe and sustainable energy source in the near future.”

One step toward the ‘holy grail’ of clean energy

Speculation swirled in the days leading up to the press conference because the interest in fusion as a potential viable energy source has increased dramatically in recent years as concerns about climate change and energy security have become more acute.

More than 90 nuclear power reactors currently operate in the United States, but those nuclear reactors are making energy with nuclear fission, which is when a neutron smashes into a larger atom, causing it to split into two smaller atoms and releasing a lot of energy. Nuclear fission reactions do not release any carbon dioxide emissions and there for are considered clean energy, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

The United States got approximately 19 percent of its utility-scale electricity generation from those nuclear power plants in 2021, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, and…

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