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3 key things to know before opening a home equity line of credit

HELOC use rose as cash-out refis dropped

Last year, as mortgage rates climbed higher, accessing home equity by taking cash against it during refinancing (a so-called cash-out refi) became less appealing.

Rates on mortgages went from close to 3% at the beginning of 2022 to a peak of above 7% in the fall. Right now, the average on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is 6.21%, according to Mortgage News Daily.

As cash-out refis fell, HELOC use began to climb. Last year through September, lenders originated HELOCs totaling $214 billion, up from $159.5 billion during the same period in 2021, according to CoreLogic.

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“In a low-rate environment, people were looking at cash-out refis,” Bellas said. “Now … a lot of people have a mortgage with a very low rate, so to do a cash-out refi, they’d be paying [a higher rate] on their full mortgage.”

“We’ve had quite a few people over the past 12 months … elect to go with the HELOC because of that,” Bellas said.

How HELOCs compare with other borrowing options

I would not use a HELOC to buy frivolous things or things you can’t afford.

David Demming

President of Demming Financial Services

However, like your mortgage, a HELOC is a lien against your house — meaning that if you don’t repay as promised, the lender would have the right to foreclose on your house.

“I would not use a HELOC to buy frivolous things or things you can’t afford,” said certified financial planner David Demming, president of Demming Financial Services in Aurora, Ohio.

“It should be a short-term bill that you’re going to pay off within a finite period of time,” Demming said.

Here are three key things to consider before signing on the dotted line.

1. Variable interest rates make it tricky to budget

2. It may be difficult to pay…

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3 key things to know before opening a home equity line of credit