Daily Trade News

German housebuilding is collapsing — and could drag the economy down

A construction site of residential buildings on the Elbe dike near downtown Wittenberg.

Soeren Stache | Picture Alliance | Getty Images

Germany’s Olaf Scholz once set the goal of building 400,000 new homes a year, even before he become chancellor.

Fast forward two years, and German housebuilding looks like it’s collapsing, putting pressure on both his hard-to-reach goal, but also the overall economy of the country.

Companies are canceling residential construction projects, order numbers are shrinking and the outlook for the industry appears bleak, a report by the Ifo Institute for Economic Research published last week showed.

Over 22% of companies surveyed reported the cancellation of residential construction projects in Germany in October, a new record high. Meanwhile, 48.7% said there was a lack of orders — which compares to 46.6% in the previous month, and 18.7% a year earlier.

Expectations for the residential construction industry fell to what the Ifo described as an “exceptional low.” And this isn’t the only set of data that is raising concerns among onlookers.

The latest construction PMI survey for Germany by the Hamburg Commercial Bank fell to its lowest level in three and a half years at 38.3, which also marked a decline compared to September.

“Things continue to go from bad to worse in Germany’s construction sector. The housing sector is the epicentre of the downturn, nosediving at a breakneck speed,” Cyrus de la Rubia, chief economist at Hamburg Commercial Bank, said in a press release.

Elsewhere, building permits data also paints a weak picture. Between January and August, 28.3% less building permits were issued compared to the same timeframe in 2022, according to the German Federal Statistical Office.

Just 175,500 permits were issued in the first eight months of the year, the data shows, indicating that the government is on track to miss its goal of 400,000 new homes. Less than 250,000 are likely to be built this year, Carsten Brzeski, global head of macro research and chief economist for Germany at ING, told CNBC.

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German housebuilding is collapsing — and could drag the economy down