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Here is where renters are exposed to climate hazards in the U.S.

Jodi Jacobson | E+ | Getty Images

More than 18 million rental units are located in areas exposed to extreme weather hazards, according to the American Rental Housing Report from Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies.

That exposure isn’t spread evenly. While most states have at least one “high-risk” county with 2,000 or more rental units, many are concentrated in California and Florida.

Harvard researchers paired data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Risk Index with the five-year American Community Survey to find out what units are in the areas that are expected to have an annual economic loss from environmental disasters like wildfires, flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes and more.

A high-risk area is one with a “relatively moderate,” “relatively high” or “very high” expected annual loss.

“What the map is showing is the number of rental units that are located in areas that have at least moderate risk,” said Sophia Wedeen, research analyst focused on rental housing, residential remodeling and affordability at the Joint Center for Housing Studies.

How many rentals are at risk in California, Florida

How renters can protect themselves

As more areas in the U.S. become further exposed to climate-related risks, it will be important for renters to consider renters insurance and understand what such policies cover, experts say.

To that point, landlords and building owners are responsible for any physical damage to the building or unit caused by natural disasters. But their property insurance does not cover a tenant’s personal belongings.

Renters insurance policies usually cover losses or damages to a tenant’s personal property and some even cover living expenses if a tenant needs temporary housing during a unit’s repair.

Renters should check what type of disasters are included in their renter’s insurance policy. They may need riders or a separate policy to cover risks such as flooding or earthquakes, experts say.

Additionally, renters may want to shop around for insurance plans before…

Read More: Here is where renters are exposed to climate hazards in the U.S.