Pelosi raises alarm after Trump loyalist installed as top NSA lawyer

Speaker Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiCowboys for Trump founder arrested following Capitol riot Retired Army general: ‘We can’t have demonstrators showing up at a state Capitol with damn long guns’ Graham calls on Schumer to hold vote to dismiss article of impeachment against Trump MORE (D-Calif.) is raising alarms about Michael Ellis, a former GOP operative and Trump loyalist, being installed as the top lawyer at the National Security Agency (NSA).

Pelosi sent a letter to acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller demanding that the former White House official not be put in the position of general counsel at the NSA.

The Speaker blasted Ellis in a tweet on Monday, saying “the attempt to install an unqualified Trump loyalist as NSA General Counsel just 72 hours prior to the start of a new Administration is highly irregular and highly suspect. This placement should not move forward.”

“I ask that you immediately cease plans to improperly install Michael Ellis as the new NSA General Counsel,” wrote Pelosi in her letter, which was dated Sunday and released Monday.

Pelosi said she had “serious concerns” regarding the selection process and whether it was free of political interference. She also argued that Ellis’s last-minute appointment showed a “disturbing disregard for our national security.”

“Public reporting indicates that Mr. Ellis, a relatively recent law school graduate with a limited resume, was selected due to interference by the White House, and was chosen over much more qualified candidates,” Pelosi added.

“Moreover, Mr. Ellis has been reportedly involved in highly questionable activities that are disqualifying – including the infamous 2017 ‘midnight run’ to launder intelligence information through Rep. Devin NunesDevin Gerald NunesNSA places former GOP political operative in top lawyer position after Pentagon chief’s reported order CIA chief threatened to resign over push to install Trump loyalist as deputy: report Bill Belichick turns down Medal of Freedom from Trump MORE and with efforts to shield information about President TrumpDonald TrumpIran convicts American businessman on spying charge: report DC, state capitals see few issues, heavy security amid protest worries Pardon-seekers have paid Trump allies tens of thousands to lobby president: NYT MORE’s July 2019 call with the President of Ukraine.”

An NSA spokesperson confirmed on Saturday that Ellis would be installed as general counsel for the agency less than a week before President Trump leaves office.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), a staunch Trump ally, has been accused of receiving materials from Ukrainian sources meant to damage President-elect Joe BidenJoe BidenFear of insider attack prompts additional FBI screening of National Guard troops: AP Iran convicts American businessman on spying charge: report DC, state capitals see few issues, heavy security amid protest worries MORE‘s reputation during his 2020 campaign. Ellis previously worked as counsel for…

Read More: Pelosi raises alarm after Trump loyalist installed as top NSA lawyer

alarmDevin NunesDonald TrumpinstalledJoe BidenlawyerloyalistMichael EllisNancy PelosiNational Security AgencyNSAPelosiraisestopTrump
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