Councilman Proposes Renaming Street in Front Royal After Donald Trump

After the inauguration of President Joe Biden, some supporters of former President Donald Trump are still finding ways to honor him and his presidency. 

Town Councilman Scott Lloyd proposed renaming a road in Front Royal, Virginia, to Donald Trump Avenue to honor the Trump supporters who live there. Voters in Warren County favored Trump over Biden two to one in November.

“Honoring people who have had a rough few months but feel overall that they were part of something positive and that the Trump presidency was something positive that we can look back on,” Lloyd said.

He proposed the idea on the eve of President Biden’s inauguration and even Republicans on the Council were hesitant.

Front Royal Councilman Gary Gillispie said this could potentially open up a door that they are not prepared to walk through. 

Marilyn King, a Warren County woman who marched within the packed crowds of Trump supporters on Jan. 6, said, “It was just crazy,” and she couldn’t believe what she recorded some people say they wanted to do to the U.S. Capitol. 

King said she and her friends left before the rioters smashed into the Capitol, but she says she’s still taking heat for even being there. 

“People tried to get me fired from my job because I was at the rally. I’ve had people tried to get me fired from a couple positions that I hold locally,” King said.

King said she’ll continue to have hope for more unity with Biden in the White House. 

“I hope he moves forward trying to unite the country instead of trying to divide,” she said. 

Read More: Councilman Proposes Renaming Street in Front Royal After Donald Trump

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