After summer of stock market highs, signs of unease emerge

By Saikat Chatterjee

LONDON (Reuters) – Stock markets are heading into September near record highs but the fast-spreading Delta coronavirus variant is making some investors reassess how so-called reflation trades could perform in coming months.

A raft of indicators from consumer surveys to derivatives suggest that without fresh catalysts markets could be in for a pause or even a reversal over the autumn months. Speculators have also been piling into the dollar, with positioning at its highest in a year.

“Although equity headline indices keep registering new highs, there has been a clear rotation to defensive plays,” said Vasileios Gkionakis, Global Head of FX Strategy at Lombard Odier in Switzerland.

Defensives, which are less vulnerable to swings in the global economic cycle, have outperformed their cyclical rivals of late, he noted. Similarly, high-growth sectors including tech that boomed during lockdowns are doing well again.

Below are five charts highlighting these trends:


The gap between how U.S. consumers are feeling and what Wall Street expects is at its widest in at least 13 years.

Analysts expect profit growth at S&P 500 companies to continue at double-digit rates well into the first half of 2023, Refinitiv data indicates.

The person on the street is less optimistic. U.S. consumer sentiment has collapsed to a decade-low, according to the closely watched University of Michigan index.

That implies sizeable downward moves in earnings in the months ahead.

Consumers less confident than Wall Street?


Recent data indicates that the bulk of the reopening economic boost is past. But fears are also growing of a fourth COVID-19 wave, showing up on Wednesday in Germany’s IFO survey, with steep declines in business morale and expectations.

Citi’s global economic surprises index — essentially a gauge of whether data is beating or undershooting forecasts — turned negative this week for the first time since June 2020.

Early manufacturing surveys for Europe in August dropped to the lowest since January, consistent with recent softening in the United States and China.

Stock markets usually falter when U.S. PMIs from the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) peak but this has not happened this year, Citi analysts noted.

“Equity markets (outside China) have not yet seen the usual wobble associated with a PMI rollover, so could be vulnerable,” they wrote, adding that a return to the usual trend “would imply a 10-15% drop in the S&P or the market going nowhere for the next six months.”

Economic surprises


Record-high world stocks mask one important fact — the breadth of the market has narrowed significantly, meaning gains are being driven by fewer constituents.

Back in January, 1,876 constituents of the Nasdaq index were in positive…

Read More: After summer of stock market highs, signs of unease emerge

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