Colonial Pipeline temporarily closes 2 fuel lines due to Hurricane

Colonial Pipeline said it’s temporarily closing off two fuel lines in the south due to Hurricane Ida, CNN reported.

According to the pipeline, it was shutting down fuel lines between Houston, Texas, and Greensboro, North Carolina, on Sunday. The company called the temporary move “a precautionary and routine safety measure.”

It expects the pipeline to get back to full service after the storm, but first must evaluate its infrastructure and execute a startup plan.

The 5,500-mile pipeline provides nearly half of the east coast’s gasoline and diesel.

Colonial Pipeline said its other two fuel lines will remain operational and will not be impacted by the storm.

This is the same pipeline that was forced to go offline after a ransomware attack back in May. That led to panic buying and a gas shortage that stretched across the southeast.

(Watch Below: The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack shows how vulnerable America is to cyber terrorists)

Read More: Colonial Pipeline temporarily closes 2 fuel lines due to Hurricane

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