Kat Cammack says Joe Biden’s ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ presidency should

U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack on Fox & Friends Monday reiterated her belief President Joe Biden should resign over events in Afghanistan. She compared the President to the 1989 film Weekend at Bernie’s, a less-than-subtle suggestion Biden may be little more than a figurehead anyway.

She offered the cinematic comparison when pressed on the fact Biden’s resignation would result in Vice President Kamala Harris becoming President.

“Trust me, I absolutely would take Weekend at Bernie’s any day over a potential President Harris,” Cammack said. “But this is where we are at.”

The classic film tells the story of protagonists who visit their mob-connected boss’ vacation home and find him dead, but prop up his corpse in various scenes to hilariously convince people he is still alive while they enjoy run of his house.

A freshman elected in November, some of Cammack’s first votes in the House included voting against certifying President Biden’s victory over Donald Trump and against impeaching Trump for inciting an insurrection over that certification.

Months later, it’s the handling of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan that has her again opining against Biden belonging in the White House. The administration has faced criticism since the Taliban took over the country 19 years after the U.S. invaded and deposed the Islamist state.

Last week, after 13 U.S. service members died in suicide bombings outside a Kabul airport, Cammack issued a statement saying Biden should leave office.

“Simply put, saying ‘the buck stops with me’ isn’t enough,” Cammack said. “If President Biden really believes what he says, he’ll resign immediately. Anything less is unacceptable.”

She expounded on that during her interview on Fox News. While hosts noted Harris is next in line for the presidency, with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi behind her, Cammack said this isn’t about selecting a top choice for President but about accountability.

“If we continue to allow bad decisions to go unchecked then we are perpetuating a cycle where really they can get away with murder, as we have seen the bodies of our Marines coming off of planes at Dover Air Base,” she said. “That right there is a sign of just how deadly these decisions are this administration is making.”

At the same time, Cammack acknowledged the political unlikelihood of Biden resigning over Afghanistan.

“Now everyone keeps saying we’ll remove the next one, and we’ll remove the next one. Let’s be fair and let’s be real. We don’t have the votes,” she said.

But she said Biden’s mistakes have been consequential. She said her office has been working with a group trying to get out of Afghanistan, and their interpreter was murdered this weekend. That came after POLITICO reported the Biden administration gave the Taliban a list of Americans and Afghans working with the U.S. There’s no confirmation whether that was connected to any interpreter death to date, but…

Read More: Kat Cammack says Joe Biden’s ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ presidency should

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