Crypto Flipsider News – September 16th – EU to Invest $177B into

Crypto Flipsider News – September 16th – EU to Invest $177B into Blockchain, Hedge Boomers Shilling Crypto, AMC accepting BTC, Cardano Teases Partnership(s), OpenSea Scandal, Vitalik on Time 100

Read in the Digest

  • EU to Invest $177B into Blockchain Services
  • Hedge Boomers Shilling Crypto, Boomer News, AMC Accepting Alts and BTC
  • Some Big Partnerships Could Be Coming to
  • OpenSea Admits Insider Trading Scandal
  • Vitalik Buterin Features in Time’s Top 100

EU to Invest $177B into Blockchain

Since 2021, the European Union has made more moves to enter the crypto industry without final confirmation.

Less than a week after the IOTA Foundation announced that it had been chosen to develop EBSI (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure) infrastructure, the EU set to invest $177B in blockchain technology.

According to the report, the EU is preparing a $177 billion investment fund in blockchain services, data infrastructure, low-power processors, 5G communication, high-performance computing, secure quantum communication, and digital innovation among others.

While blockchain is one of the areas where the investment funds will be spent, there was no information on the amount to be invested in each sector. In addition, there are reports that the EU and the United States may collaborate in drafting standards for crypto and blockchain regulations.


  • Despite the investment into blockchain report, the ESMA has still maintained a negative stance towards crypto
  • In its recent report, “Trends, Risks and Vulnerabilities“, the ESMA called cryptocurrency both financial innovation and a possible threat due to the cost of crypto mining

Why You Should Care

Blockchain has been identified as one of the most crucial technologies for the future. When the EU is fully involved in the industry, blockchain technology will be used to build more efficient payment systems and shared infrastructure.

Hedge Boomers Shilling Crypto, Aussie Baby Boomers, AMC Accepting Alts and BTC

Gen Z and Millenials have made the news as the top investors in crypto. However, in Australia, we are seeing an increase in interest from baby boomers – those born between 1946 and 1964.

According to a report from BTC Markets, there is a 15% increase in the number of investors over 65. In addition, baby boomers now comprise 5% of the BTC markets’ estimated 325,000 customer base.

In a similar trend, hedge boomers in the United States are also shilling cryptos. Billionaire investors Steven Cohen and Ray Dalio are among the latest boomers to enter the crypto space. During a Wednesday conference in New York, Dalio stated that “I have more crypto than gold.”

American movie theatre chain, AMC, has revealed that it will begin accepting altcoins in addition to . According to the announcement made by the CEO, Adam Aron, AMC will accept , , and before the end of the year.

Read More: Crypto Flipsider News – September 16th – EU to Invest $177B into

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