Delicate Fed-Treasury dance keeps bonds in check By Reuters

© Reuters. A U.S. Dollar note is seen in this June 22, 2017 illustration photo. REUTERS/Thomas White/Illustration

By Jamie McGeever

ORLANDO, Fla. (Reuters) – Delta variants, spending splurges, inflation scares and debt ceilings all threaten to bamboozle U.S. bonds, and yet it’s the delicate and often misread dance between the Fed and Treasury that’s likely keeping everything in check.

On one side the Federal Reserve will likely start reducing its $80 billion-a-month Treasury purchases by year-end – a moment many investors had feared would undermine the market and send yields surging.

But the U.S. Treasury will be borrowing less over the year ahead too, with a rapidly shrinking budget deficit and funding needs compared to the blowouts of 2020.

All else equal, if the gradual exit of the biggest single buyer from the market is matched by an equivalent cut in the supply of new debt, the two should cancel each other out pricewise. And perhaps that’s what the seemingly peculiar stability of the bond market since April has been telling us.

The question is whether one of those forces ends up dominating – or whether they are deliberately kept in synch.

The exact numbers or timeframe of the Fed’s taper are still unknown of course, much less details on what part of the maturity spectrum Treasury will concentrate debt sales. Wider growth and inflation developments remain critical and unknown variables.

But the basic dynamics are a powerful stabilizer.

Joseph Wang, a former senior trader on the Fed’s open markets desk, reckons that the two will “roughly cancel each other out … so the stock of private sector Treasury holdings will continue to grow at around the same pace. The Fed will just own a smaller share of the overall stock.”


On the funding side, Treasury will borrow significantly less in fiscal years 2022 and 2023 than this year thanks to rebounding economic growth and tax revenues, a reduced need for crisis-level support for individuals and businesses, and new spending bills being pushed further out into the future.

This will mean a smaller debt-raising program. The Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee, a group made up of major fixed income market participants, says its baseline scenario calls for a 19% reduction in coupon issuance in calendar year 2022 growing to an accumulated 35% reduction 12 months later.

It’s also worth noting that Treasury goes into next year having borrowed significant amounts in the year following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gennadiy Goldberg at TD Securities estimates net coupon issuance in fiscal year 2021 was $2.73 trillion, up $1.37 trillion from the previous year.

But not all of it was needed, a key reason why Treasury’s cash balance at the Fed ballooned and caused distortions at the ultra-short end of the curve, and why borrowing will be lower next year.

According to TBAC’s baseline recommendation, gross issuance of two- to 30-year bonds should fall by $749 billion to $3.21…

Read More: Delicate Fed-Treasury dance keeps bonds in check By Reuters

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